Harold will be having surgery in a couple of weeks. The oncologist will be removing several nodes and one from behind his chest wall. I am TERRIFIED that when they roll him into surgery that will be the last time I ever see him awake again. He will have a drain because of that specific one. So far of all the ones that he's having removed that one scares most
I am terrified they are going to take him back and I am never going to see him awake again
We just got home from the 2nd Dr. He has the same thing in mind without it being as invasive and/or exploratory. Harold is having the wide line excision and radio active dye injection on Feb 18th. IF and only IF the dye shows up in any of his lymph nodes in any of his lymph nodes anywhere they will be removed. The wide line excision is being done so there will be clear and clean margins from where the mole was. SAME exact thing as the other one said, with the exception of 2 weeks off work not 6 - 8. Needless to say I am TERRIFIED! The what IFs are taking over......
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